If you’ve been confused by the stock markets lately, don’t feel alone — there haven’t been a lot of good tells, but there are plenty of contrary opinions and a lot of lackluster trading days. But for what it’s worth, here is the line I will be watching above all else: If we see more […]
The stat junkies at Bespoke Investment Group have reviewed the best and worst of earnings season so far, and look who is the “best of the best” — our old friend Supervalu! Back when I was touting this one off the 52-week low list, who would have thunk it?
If you have 11 minutes to spare, Barry Ritholtz has a good post on his site that includes a video by trader Yan Ohayan on the impact of algorithmic trading. Did you know that 73% of the current trades in the market were done by machine? Or that some of the trading programs out there […]
Stock blogger Ivan Hoff has an interesting idea — that the task of chart readers in the stock market is analogous to chicken sexers on a farm. For those not up to speed, the art (or science?) of chicken sexing is to identify female chicks at birth, improving egg yields by not wasting time and […]
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